A Mommy and her boys

Playing, diapers, learning diapers, feeding, diapers and growing…one day at a time!

here safe and sound March 26, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 6:56 am

I am on brians blackberry so this will be short.

His name is Sterling Joseph Bohn. He was 10 lbs 12 ounces and 22 inches long. He looks just like Harrison. I am doing really well. He nursed perfectly the first time. Pictures to come!


Tomorrow is the big day! March 25, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 1:53 am

Well, the countdown is ON!  My parents get here in a few hours 🙂  The carpet went into the new house today 🙂  I can’t believe it is finally here!  I can’t wait to meet this new bundle of joy.  We decided to go out for dinner tonight to spend some quality time with Harrison and enjoy the last night as just the three of us.  The picture below is from tonight.  I am SO excited about tomorrow.  I just can’t wait!  The next time I post I’ll be a new mommy again 🙂  Happy blogging!



Wanna play? March 19, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 12:24 pm

Okay, it’s that time…time to guess the sex, weight and length of this baby!  Here is some history to help.  My first baby, Harrison, was born at 40 weeks and 6 days.  He was 10 lbs, 7 ounces and 21 inches long. 

What do you think the sex of this baby is?  How big? How long?  We all know the date, so that doesn’t count as part of the game!

Oh, and whoever gets the closest, I’ll send a little something vinyl-lettering related.

Mommy goes first!

A girl, 11 lbs, 10 ounces, 21.5 inches long.


And the big day is…

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 1:04 am

Tuesday, March 25th.  I spoke with the midwife today and everything will be confirmed at my appointment on Thursday.  At least we have a date.  It isn’t as early as I hoped, but there are good sides to it.  The carpet will be in, which will mean that the house will be finished painted.  People can move the bedroom stuff over while I’m in the hospital and baby and I get to come home to a new home.  My parents get here on Monday so they can watch Harrison on Tuesday.  My sisters get here on the Friday, so I’ll be home from the hospital and that will be better when they are here. 

I think next week is going to be a big week for us 🙂  I probably won’t blog much between now and then because there is a lot of work to still be done on the house.  I have been spending the morning/early afternoon there, bringing Harrison home for a nap, trying to nap a little myself, and then heading over there at night to work on it.  It is a miracle I haven’t gone into labour, quite frankly.  Well, there is more laundry to fold! 


Another update March 17, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 7:24 pm

I spoke with the midwife today and told her I want to either have this baby Thursday or Saturday, so if she could talk to the doctor and see which one works, that would be great.  She didn’t say no, which is a good start.  She did say that they might want to do an amnio because it isn’t 39 weeks yet, but that is something to be discussed with me and the doctor.  So she is going to call me back as soon as she knows more.  She said she is at the hospital today delivering babies, but as soon as she knows she’ll call me.  Also, she said if I don’t hear from her by tomorrow night to call her cell.  That is all I know right now on the baby front.

I spent the morning at the house organizing the mess that was there and, yes, I did do some painting.  I wore a mask, though, so don’t hate me and tell me what a bad mommy-to-be I am.  Thankfully Brian’s cousin’s wife watched Harrison for me so I managed to be very productive.  I’ve got another one of Brian’s cousins watching Harrison tonight so we can go over and get some more work done.  I keep forgetting to take before and afters, but I will remember today.

That’s it for now. 


I’m so excited…

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 12:17 am

I just talked to my parents and they are planning to come out this Friday and stay for a few weeks.  🙂  I knew they were coming around when the baby came, but I never imagined that I would be trying to move into a house and redo the house at the same time — I’m SO grateful for them!  They are the best parents in the world 🙂  Thanks, Mom & Dad!

PS> I actually cried when they told me they were coming this week — I’m such a baby!


All about the house… March 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 2:44 pm

Here is my post all about the house.  Yesterday we went to Ikea 🙂  That is a very happy place for me.  I walked and walked and walked.  I’m going to attach links to what we bought for the house.  Enjoy!

This goes on the stairway. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/80215600 

These are going above the dining room table. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/90096338

These are going in the hallway upstairs and right as you walk in the front door. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50064221

We got three of these, one for each kid’s room and one for the toy room.  They aren’t that big, but they are also benches 🙂 http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/20078031

For toy storage in Harrison’s room. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/70115578

This is going in Harrison’s room.  His room has a nautical/underwater theme. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/90098243

This is for Harrison’s laundry — I thought he would have fun putting away and helping if it was cute. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10098505

We needed a new dresser since ours didn’t travel so well.  The kids need dressers too so we are putting ours in their rooms and we got this for us.  We only got one of these as we have a TON of closet space in our room so this will be fine.  Also, there isn’t a lot of room for dressers in the room itself. Oh, and we got it inthe black/brown. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00067830

I this for Harrison to be able to see better in the bathroom and help more.  http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/60101063

Anyway, that’s all for now.  We now have everything we need for the house except we haven’t bought the paint for the baby’s room or the kids’ bathroom yet because they weren’t able to mix the bathroom paint and we are waiting until we find out what this baby is to paint the room.


I am running out of blog titles… March 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 1:56 am

Harrison is still sick.  He gets much worse at night, as the doctor predicted.  Poor little man.  He started throwing up around 7 this evening.  He only threw up once, thankfully.  He is still coughing/gagging a lot.  He is asleep in my bed right now and Brian is asleep in Harrison’s bed.  I’ll sleep with Harrison again just because I’m worried he will throw up and choke on it.  He is fine during the day, just his typical self with a little cough.  Whoever invented the Tylenol that is in chewable form was a GENIUS!

I talked with my midwife’s nurse today, but wasn’t able to talk to the midwife.  I will call again tomorrow to see what is up.  I don’t want to wait until my appointment next week to find out what is going on and I shouldn’t have to.

The house is going well.  Brian and I just got home from the house.  Lucky for us, Brian’s Uncle Phil paints professionally for a living and has been doing so for 42 years — woo hoo!  He is great.  He had almost the entire main floor of the house first-coat painted in under 2 hours.  CRAZY.  He is SO good.  We will owe him and his wife dinner every week for the next 10 years!  Brian almost finished all of the stripping of the wallpaper.  We are getting really close to everything being ready to paint.  The master bedroom/bath, Harrison’s room and the kitchen and 1/2 bath are all ready to paint.  The nursery isn’t ready to paint and we have decided to wait until the baby arrives to paint it.  The baby isn’t sleeping in that room right away anyway, so I’m not worried about the fumes.

So as Uncle Phil was finishing painting I got looking at the colour, which I LOVE!  And I made the comment, “Of course I love this colour, it is milk chocolate brown!  Great, now I’m going to be craving chocolate ALL the time!”  The colour is SO fabulous!  I’m so excited about it.  I can’t wait to post pictures of the finished house!  I can’t believe how different it is going to look 🙂  We also ordered/paid for the carpet this evening.  I should know when it is being installed tomorrow or the next day. 

Well, that’s all from here.  I think this was a bit more uplifting post than I’ve been writing lately! 


Thanks, girls! March 14, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 11:45 am

Thank you to all of those who have been so supportive of me.  I appreciate everyone’s comments.  I have only not approved two comments, and they were the cause for the edit of the last post.  I also appreciate Angela’s information.

Every woman is different.  Every body is different.  Every baby is different.  Every pregnancy is different.  Every delivery is different. 

I am not 100 % set on a C-section.  I want a VBAC.  I want a large family and I don’t want that limited by C-sections.  My midwife and doctors know that.  Yesterday was just my first feelings after finding out what is going on.  It is discouraging after being told I would probably have a good chance at a VBAC with the diabetes under control they thought that would help the baby’s size.  I know no one can predict these things. 

On the other hand, am I going to risk my baby’s life so I can have a VBAC?  Hell no.  Yes, maybe some women have pushed out 10+ pounders just fine.  Good for you, that’s great.  I tried pushing my son out at 10 lbs, 7 ounces.  In fact I tried for two hours with what my doctors said was excellent pushing with no luck.  I know my body could maybe push this baby out, but I’m not too hopeful that it can do it.  I want to try.  I am into as natural as I can go, BUT, yes, I’m going to listen to my doctors and midwives on this one.  Why would I risk my baby’s life?  I don’t understand that. 

Okay, that is just more of my thoughts on the subject after sleeping on it.

Harrison update: He slept in our bed with me last night so I could monitor him and make sure he didn’t throw up in his sleep.  He gagged all through the night, but only threw up right when he woke up this morning.  He is still running a fever that isn’t as bad as it was.

Brian’s truck died on the freeway yesterday morning on the way to work, so he had to take my van to work today.  We just aren’t having any luck as of late, are we?  Luckily his truck is owned by McDonald’s so they will take care of the repairs and towing.  But it stinks being left without a van.  I just hate feeling trapped.  I know I could call a number of people if I needed to, but it just stinks. 

On the house front:

Brian was there until 11:30 last night with our friends stripping wall paper.  Thankfully it sounds like they were very successful!  I had to bring Harrison home last night and couldn’t stay there because he threw up all over the playpen.  I really am hopeful we can start painting tomorrow.  If Harrison wasn’t sick and I had a van, I’d be at the house today getting what I can done so we can paint.  We have baseboards that need washed and I need to tape off the cabinets in the bathrooms and kitchen.  Oh well, we are home today with Harrison being sick and me not having a vehicle.  At least I can get laundry done and some packing.  Thankfully I cleaned up yesterday so the house is clean 🙂

Wow…I sound whiny.  Sorry, guys. I don’t mean to be.  It just seems like we can’t get ahead right now.  In a couple of weeks I’m sure my posts will be much different and very excited about the new baby!  🙂


The update we have been waiting for…

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonandmommy @ 1:47 am

Well, I had my ultrasound for weight/size today.  I thought today would never come.  First of all, I had an appointment with my midwife this morning and she checked and I am a good 2 cm and 70 % effaced but the baby’s head is still high.  She also measured me at 42 cm uterus size. So she made her recommendations of what to do to get this going.  I left very excited to do everything she said to do.  Then I had my ultrasound a few hours later at another office.  Here is how the conversation went:

Ultrasound Tech: “You are never going to believe the size.”

Me: “Try me.”

Ultrasound Tech: “According to my measurements, 10 lbs, 7 ounces.”

Me: “That is SO not what I was hoping you would say.”

That is exactly what Harrison weighed when he was born.  This baby is measuring that 3 weeks before it is due and Harrison was a week late.  Now, I know the ultrasound tech can be off, but even if she is 2 lbs off that is still a good size baby.  Anyway, the other measurement they are looking for in that ultrasound is the size of the abdomen.  Apparently all of the measurements, including that one, are off the charts they are so big. 

Needless to say, I will be scheduling a C-section.  I was SO hoping for a VBAC.  I would rather have a healthy baby by C-section than risk me or the baby with a VBAC.  I will find out more tomorrow when I talk to the midwife and doctor.  Another thing the midwife said that I thought was weird was she said usually they wait until around 39 weeks to schedule the C-section.  Hello…I’m sure the baby is fine.  The ultrasound tech said from what she could tell everything was great.  The baby was practicing its breathing and all looked well.  If I wait until 39 weeks, this is going to be a GINORMOUS baby.  Oh, well.  There is another advantage to waiting that long, my house should be done by then!

That’s the news on the baby front.

On the Harrison front.  He has thrown up twice tonight and is just a limp little dude.  He is just not himself.  If he is still throwing up tomorrow, off to the pediatrician’s again.  I wish I knew what was wrong.  The pediatrician last night said everything just pointed to an infected throat, which I think has really increased his gag reflex and is what is making him throw up.  That’s my Dr. Mommy for you.

I hope others are having a better day than us!


EDIT:  If you are going to be a total jerk about my situation and essentially think I’m wimping out by having another C-section, don’t bother trying to comment.  I’m not going to approve them.  I need support right now, not your stupid critiscm.  Have you considered that you may not know my history with trying to birth my son?  And, yes, I do know that I make big babies and there is nothing wrong with me.  I don’t remember blaming myself for having big babies. Did you know that GD babies tend to have larger shoulders and thus get stuck with their head out and the doctors have to break their clavical to get them out?  Did you know that I don’t give a flying crap about what you have to say to me unless it is going to be helpful? 

When you walk into my house the first thing you see is a sign that says “Be nice or go away.”  Learn from that.  That is a motto I live by.

I refuse to be attacked on my blog (this wouldn’t be the first time).  I don’t mind helpful critiscm or words of advice.  If you are going to be just plain rude about it, leave me alone.
